Dobré otázky, dobré odpovědi
- Brand: Dharma Zdarma
- Product Code: ISBN: 978-80-903688-2-8
- Availability: 72
Good questions, good answers
Language: czech
Year of publication: 2008
Number of pages: 63
Download: here
Preface to the Fourth Edition:
About 18 years ago, I was visited by a group of young people who practiced Buddhism and studied at the University of Singapore. In the course of their studies, they discovered that they could not satisfactorily answer the questions about Buddhism that those around them asked them. During our discussion I was very struck by how little these young, educated and intelligent people knew about their religion and how much trouble they had in explaining its basic principles. I wrote down the questions they came to me with, added a few of my own, and the book was born
Good questions, good answers. It was originally meant for Singapore only, but to my surprise it has found its readers all over the world. It was also printed several times in the United States, Malaysia, India, Thailand and Sri Lanka, and the number of copies of the English version exceeded 150,000. In addition, it was translated into fourteen other languages, including, for example, Spanish or Indonesian. I have added some additional questions to this fourth revised and expanded edition and I hope I have answered them satisfactorily. I have also added a chapter containing some of the Buddha's sayings. I wish this one
the little book continues to stimulate interest in the Buddha's teachings.
S. Dhammika
ISBN: 978-80-903688-2-8
Théraváda, Czech books, Shravasti Dhammika, Dalibor Pavlík, Dharma zdarma,